Sunday, 27 March 2011

1/48 Hasegawa F-4 FGR-2 Phantom - No 19 Sqn Royal Air Force Germany 1991

This is my first F-4, which I finished in 2011. This is such an iconic jet and one of my favourites.

The Kit

  • 1/48 Hasegawa F-4 FGR-2 Phantom - Model lore has the British Phantoms as the best of the Hasegawa Phantoms. This one went together well enough but the lack of intakes is a let down


  • Cockpit - Aires

    This was a pretty easy fit for an Aires Cockpit although the PE seat belts were a pain


  • Wheels - Aires
  • Intake Blanks - Two Mikes
  • Undercarriage - SAC
  • Gun Pod - True Details (very average)

  • Sidewinder covers - Dr Pepper
  • Sidewinders - From the Revell F-15E kit

  • Skyflash - modified from Hasegawa F-15C kit

  • Ladder - Flightpath

I did have some Aires Exhausts but these were unusable as they are significantly smaller in diameter and hence just slip straight into the kit. So I ended up using the kit parts and re-scribing them.


  • Airdoc for the stencils and main markings.
  • Some stencils from the kit decal sheet.
  • RBF tags are from Fightertown.


  • Mr Color Lacquers for the main colours
  • Alclad for the metallic surfaces
  • Tamiya and Gunze for other colours
  • Tamiya for the Gloss coat
  • Dullcoate for the flat coat


  • Wash - Flory Models mixture of white and dark dirt.

The Base

  • Exterior ceramic tile. This was a  left over exterior tile (approx. 40 cm x 40 cm) from my home. Exterior tiles often have a slightly rough surface which looks like concrete when painted. It's painted with various Tamiya grays as the base colour. I've made a couple of these bases from these tiles and they're  a good size for a 1/48 jet

Build Threads

The Photos